Monday, September 23, 2024

SIMPLEST calling card


2 Corinthians 1:12

King James Version

12 For our rejoicing is this, 

the testimony of our conscience, 

that in simplicity and godly sincerity, 

not with fleshly wisdom, 

but by the grace of God, 

we have had our conversation in the world, 

and more abundantly to you-ward.

How would a born again design a card?

Especially from one whose love is for GOD's WORD alone?

Well, we design it simply.

With GOD in mind.

He must be the focus.

Thus, the achingly simple bond paper "card" I have above.

All because I find myself sharing GOD's WORD everywhere.

Mostly when I commute in jeeps, or cabs.

I end up borrowing pen and paper and writing my website link,

So I decided to create the simplest calling card to share with everyone.

After all, I've found my "calling".

As writer, workman, and warrior for CHRIST.

I've heeded GOD's call to be "holy".

And that's what I share with you everyday.

Through our 108 blogs, so far.

That card will not win design awards.

It was not designed to.

But it will please the LORD.

For my name's not on it.

His, alone.

And for His glory, alone.

Let the blogs do all the talking.

You see, when GOD makes you born again, everything about you changes.

Where before, it's always a preoccupation with self.

Now, GOD is all that matters.

Self pales in comparison.

Self becomes attuned to His will.

Self delights in serving Him, and others.

I've had so many cards in the past.

From so many other jobs.

But I've not really shared them.

They're coated, in full-color, pretty.

My name and designation proudly emblazoned on it.

I've got stacks of it at home.

It's all gloss, no GOD's glory.

Ah, but this card will surely be shared.

It will go places.

Wherever SPIRT takes it.

GOD loves the sincere soul.

The childlike ones.

Those without guile.

And that's the goal I have.

He also likes playful hearts.

Those eager to please Him.

Those delighted in obeying Him.

Those unafraid to communicate with Him.

Such is my life with the LORD.

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The RIGHT profession

ONE flagship VERSE


BORN AGAIN classics

GOD's GLORY blogs

Born again SLOGAN

RIGHT work

Thursday, May 23, 2024



2 Corinthians 5:17

King James Version

17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, 

he is a new creature: 

old things are passed away; 


all things are become new.

Ever had a dream, within a dream?

To explain, I shall tell you of a dream I had this morning.

I was dreaming of a friend, and his girlfriend.

Before I left their apartment, he gave me TWO metal pieces.

The kind that you can put atop a fireplace.

These were two, thin, grey metal pieces.

He said something about being "changed".

Now, I don't remember if he got changed before he got the pieces.

Or, did he change, after he got those?

All I know is it felt like he was a "changed" man.

Perhaps, he got close to GOD.

At least, that's the feeling I got.

Hopefully, he became born again.

The metal piece on top had some parts "off" it.

Like a chimney jutted out, almost like a diorama.

As he handed me the pieces, an idea came to me.

I invited him and his girlfriend to come by my place.

And have a look at my new "pad".

That presented itself as the dream "within" the dream.

It was a one-room thing, like a studio apartment.

Soon as we opened the door, we were greeted by cheery things.

A bright, but not glary room.

Hand-painted furniture all over the place.

It's not quite "bohemian", but it had "artwork" I made.

I showed him a low table, to the left, against the wall.

A "change" had come over me, too.

To the point I gave away everything I had.

All the old furniture, etc.

Exodus 25:9

King James Version

9 According to all that I shew thee, 

after the pattern of the tabernacle, 

and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, 

even so shall ye make it.

In its place, I bought discarded furniture.

Or kept "found" items.

Stuff people didn't want anymore.

And "breathed" new life into it, by painting it.

My whole, tiny room became an artist's haven for me.

Before the dream ended, I do remember that low table.

It was painted a non-glossy white, and had some electric blue details on a corner.

Ecclesiastes 9:7-8

King James Version

7 Go thy way, 

eat thy bread with joy, 

and drink thy wine with a merry heart; 

for God now accepteth thy works.

8 Let thy garments be always white; 

and let thy head lack no ointment.

Numbers 15:38-41

King James Version

38 Speak unto the children of Israel,

and bid them that they make them fringes 

in the borders of their garments 

throughout their generations, 

and that they put upon the fringe of the borders 

a ribband of blue:

39 And it shall be unto you for a fringe, 

that ye may look upon it, 

and remember all the commandments of the Lord, 

and do them ; 

and that ye seek not after your own heart 

and your own eyes, 

after which ye use to go a whoring:

40 That ye may remember, 

and do all my commandments, 

and be holy unto your God.

41 I am the Lord your God, 

which brought you out of the land of Egypt, 

to be your God: 

I am the Lord your God.

I don't believe I've ever dreamt this way before.

Wherein I was dreaming, and dreamt another dream from it.

Strange, quirky, but that's my brain.

That's the brain GOD gave me.

Those are the dreams His SPIRIT gives me.

Dreaming's different once GOD makes you born again.

I would never want to go back to the "old" me.

I'll give you a little tip I learned.

Actually, a number of tips, so you can remember a dream.

Considering I'd been writing down my dreams since 1997.

I learned quite a FEW things:

1. SAVOR the dream.

2. DON'T open your eyes just yet.

3. MEMORIZE the details.

4. PAY particular attention to the feelings in the dream.

5. WRITE down the contents of your dream.

6. PRAY to GOD to explain your dream.

7. WAIT for His SPIRIT to explain things to you.

And watch what happens.

You will be thrilled.

As I always am.

3-part series:


Image: Engin Akyurt on Pixabay

Thursday, February 29, 2024



Luke 12:42-43

King James Version

42 And the Lord said, 

Who then is that faithful and wise steward, 

whom his lord shall make ruler over his household,

to give them their portion of meat in due season?

43 Blessed is that servant, 

whom his lord when he cometh 

shall find so doing.




Those are the things I feel.

When I see what GOD has created.

What GOD has done for us.

What GOD has promised us.

I don't look to the big things.

I look to the small things.

To the things people take for granted.

Such as this lone rose.

From the two dozen roses, only one was left standing.

Only GOD knows how it happened.

For only GOD has power over everything.

Whether it be the life, of one rose.

Or the life, of one person.

I suppose I've always been that way.

Appreciating the simple things.

The forgotten things.

I still see life, in the discarded things.

Would that be of use in my task as workman?

I suppose so.

For SPIRIT guided me to create "blooks".

What I call our blogs, and books.

Which aim to share Scripture.

Invigorating self, faith, and churches once more.

And yet, it's all for GOD's GLORY.

To acknowledge His love.

To appreciate JESUS, Who gave His life for us.

To thank SPIRIT, for teaching me Scripture.

My lone, standing rose may be gone.

Past its life.

Past its freshness.

But never past its beauty.

I still see life in it.

Dried, but not forgotten.

For one who is born again, everything GOD made, has life.

For our GOD is a LIVING GOD.

He breathes life into man.

His SPIRIT refreshes us.

We are subject to His laws.

The true born again doesn't worship nature.

We appreciate it, but we don't worship it.

We worship the One, TRUE GOD alone.

Whose face is in JESUS.

John 14:7

King James Version

7 If ye had known me, 

ye should have known my Father also: 

and from henceforth ye know him, 

and have seen him.

Related material:


GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

ROSE images by the author

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The FIRST designer


Genesis 2:4

King James Version

4 These are the generations 

of the heavens and of the earth 

when they were created, 

in the day that the Lord God 

made the earth and the heavens,

No doubt about it.

The first designer was GOD.

Is, was, and has always been.

His book tells us:

Genesis 1:1

King James Version

1 In the beginning 

God created the heaven and the earth.

Genesis 1:31

King James Version

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, 

and, behold, it was very good. 

And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

GOD created through His WORD.

Genesis 1:3

King James Version

3 And God said, 

Let there be light: 

and there was light.

John 1:1-3

King James Version

1 In the beginning was the Word, 

and the Word was with God, 

and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; 

and without him was not any thing made that was made.

JESUS is the WORD.

John 1:14

King James Version

14 And the Word was made flesh, 

and dwelt among us, 

(and we beheld his glory, 

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) 

full of grace and truth.

Everything was created for JESUS.

Colossians 1:16

King James Version

16 For by him were all things created, 

that are in heaven, and that are in earth, 

visible and invisible, 

whether they be thrones, or dominions, 

or principalities, or powers:

all things were created by him, 

and for him:

In the end, the WORD is all that will remain.

Isaiah 40:8

King James Version

8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: 

but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Luke 21:33

King James Version

33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: 

but my words shall not pass away.

JESUS is the WORD of GOD.

The WORD created everything.

Everything then is for JESUS.

Everything is by His purpose, for His purpose, and from His purpose.

It's always full circle in GOD's purpose of creation.

Now, that we know GOD as first designer, we'll look at another discovery SPIRIT led me to today:

The FIRST industries on earth.

Related posts:

Genesis 1

Genesis 2

The FIRST industries

Bible DISCOVERY 26: When GOD speaks



Image: Free Bible Images

Thursday, September 8, 2022



Ezekiel 36:26

King James Version

26 A new heart also will I give you, 

and a new spirit will I put within you: 

and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, 

and I will give you an heart of flesh.

Don't you love wide, open spaces?

Where you don't have to be hit by "low-flying" golf balls?

Where you can have a simple picnic, with no flies, mosquitoes, or insects bothering you?

Where children can play freely, even without the usual playground amenities?

Where they can fly a kite, play badminton, drink lemonade, run to their hearts' content?

Where all you can see is the vast sky, and grass, on a cool, agreeable day?

And some tree, for potential cover, should it start raining, or if it gets too hot?

Are there such places?

Where you don't have to worry if someone will mug you, rob you, run over you, or bother you?

Or start chatting, when all you want is peace, and quiet?

Or not be bothered by electronic noise from people using their phones all the time?

And you don't have to worry looking your best, for obligatory selfies, and such?

Is there such a place, a small piece of heaven, you can call your own?

Even if you don't own it, but know of such a place to go to?

And not have to worry about bills, or maintaining a so-called normal life?

What kind of life have we created for ourselves?

What kind of existence have we created for each other?

What kind of world have we created for our children, and future generations?

It is a life, of freedom?

Or a life, of slavery?

A gilded existence?

Or a true existence?

A world where we can truly breathe?

Where people can blossom, doing the work they're cut out for?

Where everyone is valued for their work, no matter how humble?

Where people treat each other with love, care, and respect?

Where you are not measured, by how much you own, or earn?

Where you can roam, dream, rest -- unimpeded -- for a change?

Where people seek GOD, above all?

Is such a thing possible?

It is.

If you love GOD.

You will do all you can, to live by the Bible.

And to seek GOD's TRUTH alone.

Learning to love, as JESUS taught us.

Looking upon each other, from the tenderness of your heart.

Not seeking the things of the world.

Because you know, those things don't matter.

You only care to be with JESUS.

So, look around you.

Do the buildings, institutions, monuments, businesses, and everything man-made really love you?

Do their designers love you?

Or, were they created to control you, enslave you, marginalize you?

I think you know the answer.

It's time to become born again now.

That you may really see.

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PRAISE village

Image: Public Domain Pictures

Sunday, June 12, 2022



Romans 8:5-6

King James Version

5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; 

but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

6 For to be carnally minded is death; 

but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

It was a lovely day outside.

I had set up the hangers in a closet.

They were Japanese-made wooden hangers.

Lovely to look at.

Easy to use.

I love hearing the clanging they made with the other.

The light was too good to ignore.

I took a photo.

That was the result above.

How the light played with the elements.

How the elements loved the light.

How the hangers fell in place.

Perfect composition.

Such is design, for me.






Everything seems to breathe.

You use available elements.

Such as natural light.

Natural ventilation.

You use less of the world's resources.

Really pretty simple.

You love the purity of line.

The simplicity of structure.

The perfect function of things.

Things are designed for people.

Not people, for things.

You possess things.

Bur are not possessed by things.

Always have heart, when you design.

Tantamount to saying, always have GOD, when you design.

Or whatever work you may do.

Having less doesn't necessarily means you're poor.

Having less can mean you've gone beyond materialism.

You know what matters most.

Not wishing to acquire more, than you already have.

But always making room for more important things.

Such as GOD, others, service.

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C's from being BORN AGAIN


Photo by author

MAKE reading FUN


Matthew 18:1-4

King James Version

18 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, 

Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, 

and set him in the midst of them,

3 And said, 

Verily I say unto you, 

Except ye be converted, 

and become as little children, 

ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, 

the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

How can reading be fun?


DESIGN an EASY-to-READ book.

A childlike book, for one.

Never mind that it might be for you.

A grown up.

Important thing is you're learning.

Everyone's learning.

The fun way.

The easy way.

And the learning sticks.

There is no pretension.

No philosophy.

Only play.

I have such a book.

It has pull-out, fold-outs.

And a HUGE map of the U.S. on the last page.

The book was published by Publishers International, Ltd.

I've had it for quite sometime, at least 12-15 years.

It was part of my ongoing search for something cool.

Something educational.

Something simple.

Something true.


For it was bought at a thrift shop.

That's where you find "treasures".

I used to read TONS of books.

After becoming born again, I only needed the Bible.

Nevertheless, I kept this "States" book for fun.

As writer, designer, and communicator, I found it a model design for a book.

Keeps your brain cells young.

And happy.

I always feel like that when I find a "find".

Thus, I keep it forever.

Like a child who's found a really cool toy.

The bulk of my books have been given away, sold, or thrown.

When GOD makes you born again, you know the stuff you need to throw.

The rest are kept for the cool subject, the content, the large letters, the weightlessness of the book, the fun colors, and images.

And the kindness of the author and publisher -- for doing all that.

One would think you're buying the book for a child.

"Are you buying the book for your child?"

'Nah, it's for me!"

With matching, wide grin.


Well, I'll forever be childlike.

That's how I understand the Bible.

As you can expect, I bought a Bible with LARGE letters.

I only care to know GOD's TRUTH.

No pretensions.

No distractions.

Just the WORD.

And yes, no need for pictures.

GOD's WORD suffices.

It is LIFE itself.

Make reading fun.

Write simply.

Design simply.

Write, to be read.

Don't write, to impress.

People want to learn.

Make it easy for them.

Pray to be born again.

WATCH how things will change.

You will create superb material.

Only because the SPIRIT of GOD is guiding you.

Let your work stand on those merits.

Don't worry who may buy.

SPIRIT will take care of that.

Faith, dear writers, teachers, designers, and publishers.

It's all about FAITH.

Let GOD take over.

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Photo by author

SIMPLEST calling card

  2 Corinthians 1:12 King James Version 12 For our rejoicing is this,  the testimony of our conscience,  that in simplicity and godly sincer...