Monday, September 23, 2024

SIMPLEST calling card


2 Corinthians 1:12

King James Version

12 For our rejoicing is this, 

the testimony of our conscience, 

that in simplicity and godly sincerity, 

not with fleshly wisdom, 

but by the grace of God, 

we have had our conversation in the world, 

and more abundantly to you-ward.

How would a born again design a card?

Especially from one whose love is for GOD's WORD alone?

Well, we design it simply.

With GOD in mind.

He must be the focus.

Thus, the achingly simple bond paper "card" I have above.

All because I find myself sharing GOD's WORD everywhere.

Mostly when I commute in jeeps, or cabs.

I end up borrowing pen and paper and writing my website link,

So I decided to create the simplest calling card to share with everyone.

After all, I've found my "calling".

As writer, workman, and warrior for CHRIST.

I've heeded GOD's call to be "holy".

And that's what I share with you everyday.

Through our 108 blogs, so far.

That card will not win design awards.

It was not designed to.

But it will please the LORD.

For my name's not on it.

His, alone.

And for His glory, alone.

Let the blogs do all the talking.

You see, when GOD makes you born again, everything about you changes.

Where before, it's always a preoccupation with self.

Now, GOD is all that matters.

Self pales in comparison.

Self becomes attuned to His will.

Self delights in serving Him, and others.

I've had so many cards in the past.

From so many other jobs.

But I've not really shared them.

They're coated, in full-color, pretty.

My name and designation proudly emblazoned on it.

I've got stacks of it at home.

It's all gloss, no GOD's glory.

Ah, but this card will surely be shared.

It will go places.

Wherever SPIRT takes it.

GOD loves the sincere soul.

The childlike ones.

Those without guile.

And that's the goal I have.

He also likes playful hearts.

Those eager to please Him.

Those delighted in obeying Him.

Those unafraid to communicate with Him.

Such is my life with the LORD.

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SIMPLEST calling card

  2 Corinthians 1:12 King James Version 12 For our rejoicing is this,  the testimony of our conscience,  that in simplicity and godly sincer...